Dental Implants

We have always known that tooth loss has a profound effect on functions like chewing and speaking while at the same time impacting your self-esteem. But now, we have even more motivation for helping patients restore their smiles: According to the American Association of Implant Dentistry, studies have shown that the loss of a tooth can be a direct contributor to depression and anxiety.

You have enough going on in your life without more anxiety! At Whitetree Dental, we offer several tooth replacement solutions that allow you to get on with your life and smile confidently again. The most popular treatment option by far is dental implants – and with good reason.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Using dental implants as a tooth replacement solution offers many advantages:

Increases your ability to chew properly
Restores your smile to its natural beauty
Prevents deterioration of your jawbone
Prevents neighboring teeth from drifting out of position

Additionally, implants are more affordable over the long-term than bridges or dentures.

You can see why dental implants have become the gold standard for tooth replacement among doctors and patients!

State-of-the-Art Dental Implant Placement

We are pleased to offer our patients state-of-the-art dental implant dentistry. Dr. Leeshik Shin and Dr. Gibeum Kim both have received advanced training and continue to stay current with the latest developments in the field of dental implantology. To ensure the best possible outcomes, they have invested in cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) imaging technology.

CBCT is used to measure the quantity and quality of bone when planning the placement of your dental implant. The resulting high-resolution 3-D images show us the relationships between bones, teeth, airways, nerves, and tissues in your mouth.

Accurate placement of your dental implant is essential to ensure the best possible long-term outcome.

How Dental Implants Work

A dental implant is designed to replace the missing tooth root. A natural root stimulates the healthy growth of bone in your jaw. But when you lose a tooth and its root, the process of regeneration stops, and the bone begins to deteriorate.

A dental implant is a small titanium post that is set in your jaw and allowed to heal. Once healing is complete, the implant helps the process of healthy bone growth resume.

Titanium is a biocompatible material that forms a secure bond with surrounding bone and tissues during the healing process. After healing is complete, the implant provides a stable and secure foundation for the restoration – a crown, bridge, or denture – that will be attached to it to restore function and appearance.

Although implant placement at Whitetree Dental is highly advanced, the results are basic: You will be able to smile with confidence again! No more embarrassing moments in front of friends or co-workers as you try to hide your smile or chew your favorite foods. 

Please Call for a Consultation

Dental implants restore not only your oral health but your appearance and self-confidence as well.  If you would like to learn more about our state-of-the-art dental implant placement, please call our Little Elm, TX office for a convenient consultation with Dr. Shin or Dr. Kim.

A healthy smile is just a click away

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