Crown & Bridges

Options for an Improved Smile

Damaged or missing teeth can have a dramatic impact on your life. Every time you perform simple actions like smiling or chewing, you are aware that your teeth aren’t as healthy as they should be. 

Today, we have more options than ever for creating beautiful, natural-looking dental restorations. Updated techniques and materials provide us with high-quality dental treatments that bring your beautiful smile back to full health.

Even time-tested solutions like crowns and bridges have undergone a transformation. When paired with our doctors’ expertise, these improvements allow us to create restorations that look and feel more natural than you ever thought possible! 

Crowns Offer a Solution for Damaged Teeth

Dental crowns are designed to encase a damaged tooth to strengthen and protect it. There are several ways we can use crowns:

  • Restore function to a tooth weakened by extensive decay
  • Strengthen and protect a tooth after root canal treatment
  • Restore a dental implant with an attractive, functional tooth
  • Conceal esthetic problems like a severely stained tooth

Dr. Shin and Dr. Kim see a damaged tooth as an opportunity to restore your oral health and improve the appearance of your smile. We use only the highest quality materials to create durable crowns made of all-porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal. After talking to you about your goals, we will make recommendations based on your needs and help you decide which option is right for you.

We start the process of placing a crown by taking impressions of your teeth. The impressions are then used to create an accurate model of your teeth that we use to create a temporary crown. We then send the model to a state-of-the-art dental lab where skilled technicians fabricate your crown to our specifications.

In about two weeks, we will have you return to our Little Elm, TX dental office so we can remove the temporary and place your beautiful new crown.

A Fixed Bridge Replaces Missing Teeth 

If you have ever lost a tooth, you know it can be a devastating experience. While it makes chewing your favorite foods challenging, you may be more worried about that glaring gap in your smile.

A fixed dental bridge is only one of the many options we offer for replacing missing teeth. This dental prosthetic includes an artificial tooth held in place by crowns secured to neighboring teeth. A bridge solves the esthetic problem of a gap in your smile and also restores your ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently.

The process of placing a dental bridge is similar to that of a dental crown and takes about two weeks from start to finish.

Enjoy the Benefits of a Healthy Smile

With all the restorative options we have available today, there’s no reason to live with damaged teeth that impact your lifestyle and ruin your self-confidence. We would love to meet with you and explore all the options we offer to return your smile to full health and beauty.

Please call our Little Elm, TX dental office at (248) 736-7852, and we will be happy to arrange a convenient appointment for a consultation.

A healthy smile is just a click away

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