We know that there is a lot to think about when it comes to your dental care. That’s why the team at Whitetree Dental encourages your questions. When you have all the information you need, you can feel confident making decisions about your treatment. No question or problem is too small because if it matters to you, it matters to us.

Here are a few of the questions we hear most often, but you probably have some of your own. If so, please don’t hesitate to call our office or fill out our convenient online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!


Dental implants have helped millions of people enjoy a restored smile. But they have only recently become widely popular, so it’s understandable that you may not be aware of exactly what they are and how they work.

A dental implant is a small titanium screw that Dr. Kim or Dr. Shin expertly places in your jaw. The titanium used for dental implants is the same medical-grade material that’s been safely used for decades in joint replacements.

After we place the implant, it is left to heal and form a secure, permanent bond with surrounding bone and tissue. This process is called osseointegration, and when it is complete, the implant will become a permanent part of your dental anatomy.

The implant acts as a replacement root for your tooth. Since the implant is secured in your jaw, it forms a stable foundation for the restoration to which it will be attached. We often use dental crowns to restore function, but depending on your needs, we can also use bridges or dentures.

Getting a dental implant is a big decision, and you deserve to have all the information you need about the procedure and the results. Please call our Little Elm, TX dental office so we can arrange a convenient consultation to discuss your needs.


At Whitetree Dental, we use only digital x-rays because we are committed to ensuring your family’s safety. While we can’t eliminate radiation exposure completely, we choose state-of-the-art digital x-rays because they expose you to about 80% less radiation than film x-rays.

The frequency of dental x-rays usually depends on your dental history and the current state of your oral health. Some patients may need x-rays as often as every six months; others who have no recent dental or gum disease and keep up with routine appointments may only need x-rays every couple of years.

Digital x-rays are not just safer for you; they are also an essential diagnostic tool. The high-resolution images allow us to detect problems like decay while they are small and easy to fix. Digital x-rays are also a helpful educational tool because we can easily view them on a monitor mounted next to your dental chair. The detailed images allow us to show you exactly what the problem is and why treatment is necessary.

You can be confident that the team at Whitetree Dental takes your family’s safety very seriously. If you would like to schedule your next checkup, please call our office, and we’ll be happy to help you arrange a convenient appointment. 


Many factors come into play when trying to prevent cavities. Genetics, diet, oral hygiene, and even medications all contribute to the state of your dental health. 

Sometimes people are more genetically predisposed to cavities or have thin enamel. Other times, habits can create more cavities.

For instance, you know that sweets are bad for your teeth. But you may not know that the longer sugar remains in your mouth, the more opportunity it has to damage your teeth. In this case, you could make a better choice by choosing sugar-free candies. 

As you know, another source of cavities is improper oral hygiene. You may think this doesn’t apply to you because you brush and floss diligently. But if you’re not doing it properly, you aren’t getting the most out of your efforts. When you visit Whitetree Dental, we will be happy to re-introduce you to good oral hygiene practices to ensure that your teeth remain healthy. 

If you’re concerned about the state of your oral health, please give us a call to arrange a convenient appointment. We will take the time to sit down with you to discuss your concerns and how we can help.

Anxiety about dental visits is more common than you might think. Don’t feel bad if you put off dental visits because you’re anxious – you are not alone!

When you feel stressed about a dental visit, the best thing we can do for you is to take the time to listen to your concerns. For some people, stress is the result of the sights and sounds of a dental office; for others, it may be a deep-seated fear that developed in childhood. In either case, you will be surprised at how simply opening up about your fears can help you calm down!

If you do need additional help to relax, we offer the calming comfort of nitrous oxide or oral sedation. Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas” is a mild type of sedation that will help you drift peacefully through your appointment. After treatment, the effect of nitrous oxide wears off quickly so you can leave our office and immediately get on with your day.

We also offer oral conscious sedation. Dr. Shin or Dr. Kim will prescribe a sedative for you to take before you come to our office. When you arrive for your appointment, you’ll feel calm and relaxed. The effects of oral sedation last longer than nitrous, so you will need a driver to get you to and from your appointment.

Please don’t put off dental visits because of anxiety. We will do everything possible to support you so you can enjoy good oral health.


Bleeding gums is one of the most obvious signs that you have some degree of gum disease. While it’s a good indication that something is wrong, we won’t know the extent of the disease until we perform a thorough exam.

Gum disease is a progressive and chronic condition. Gingivitis is the first stage and affects only the gums around your teeth. We can prevent gingivitis from becoming more severe with frequent professional cleanings and a vigilant oral hygiene routine.

Periodontitis is the next stage of gum disease, where gums pull away from the teeth and form pockets that become infected. Symptoms of periodontitis include gums that pull away from the teeth, bad breath that won’t go away, and loose teeth.

We usually treat periodontitis with a deep cleaning procedure called root planing and scaling. Deep cleaning removes plaque and tartar buildup both above and below the gum line. If not treated, the bones, gums, and connective tissue that support the teeth are destroyed. Unfortunately, affected teeth may eventually become loose and have to be removed.

We can help you avoid gum disease if you follow a conscientious oral hygiene routine and keep up with semi-annual visits to our Little Elm dental office for checkups and cleanings. If you see symptoms that you think might be related to gum disease, please call us. The sooner we treat the problem, the less likely it is that you will have to worry about problems like tooth loss.

A healthy smile is just a click away

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